Friday, September 23, 2011

I can't tell you how my entire perspective has been changed, just in the past 24 hours. Although it brings on sure regret that my vision was skewed and at times completely veiled I am none the less celebrating the ability to exhale that this gift has brought me. When God makes changes what seems to happen in a blink of an eye has really taken a lengthy journey but being as we are, we tend to forget the lessons learned, the falls taken to get to that blink. Suddenly Kingdom reality shines through making the world's definition and opinion pale, fade and seem ridiculous really. This truth I have prayed for, yet only through our failures can God reveal our victories. God cast aside reasoning and validation to myself and others, opened the Kingdom door and invited me in to feast with Him on truth and life. Unlocked mysteries to understanding the path I had to take to get to His table thinking that I had made wrong turns and mistaken my own desires deciding they were His voice only to now learn they were part of the Divine plan of which I am so grateful. I promise you do get what you pray for that is in line with God's will, not necessarily overnight but for certain however I have learned to be careful what I ask for it may create a quite a journey, an adventure to get to that promised blink!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Different by Change

True insanity...doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results! Expecting, that's the sad and confusing word or should be. The enemy loves this level, wallows in the inertia, is pacified in the dormant and mundane held within this expectancy.

We allow the enemy to keep us there all the while whispering to us "there's nothing else to do, you've done all you can, it's up to God to change things now, to bless you, etc." I have spent years there and anything I did do was short lived because I felt it was simply something I was doing to pass the time until the "real" something happened from God. Nothing I put any time or thought in because I wanted to be able to drop it at a moments notice so as to be ready when God called, sent me my beautiful life, my perfect husband, my cozy home. It's as if there's this whole life happening somewhere and God simply forgot to insert me and when He remembers, all will be well.

Webster's....Change: to make or become different.
Different: having dissimilarities, unlike, separate, distinct, unusual.

We are called to be ever changing, not stuck in the cement of passivity.

Passivity: not active but acted upon, unresisting.

Wow, that sounds like the enemy's play ground. We convince ourselves that we are waiting, being patient for God and His way to kick in, His plan and being polite by not having anything going on to interupt or perhaps in fear we won't hear Him or see His plan open up if we are active in anything but politely waiting. I can promise that is not His intent for when our hearts are His and He has a change of plan for us, we will know!

1 Corinthians 15:51 "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet
will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

Plan...Change to Different

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


There is good and evil, ways of behaving momentarily and ways or the practice of living life daily - what distinguishes those extremes - black/white, good/evil, right/wrong? Our hearts, physical attributes, for is it not simply a life sustaining mechanism within? and our souls which have been given us by Christ, is it the deciding factor on the two dilemmas, sides of the coin, light/dark? That is what I believe without a doubt however this is written to those with doubt claiming they do not believe in Christ, would they not gel the two sides - would not one be within the other with no distinction or recognition of the two actually being separate? The very fact that the world, the unbelievers, recognize good and evil presents indisputable evidence that God is real to them as is satan. To believe in one without the other holds no place for argument. So my thought is we as Christians need to be ever present and outwardly loving towards those on the outside for they do believe it's just fear of leaving their place in line, their slot they have worked so hard to fill, vanity of seeming weak that keeps them isolating themselves from us, laughing at our decision to follow God, yet the truth is strength, release from independence upon themselves. This self exalting independence is by definition, true weakness, sure death and life without vision of eternity.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


My view of my little world has recently been uprooted, rearranged with words said that suddenly cleared my view and revealed what really was and has been, yet veiled under layers of deceit and smiles. Seems as though my heart has been torn open and all poured out leaving me with empty space to fill quickly before resentment and bitterness has time to take root. Forgiveness comes easier when looking beyond the present darkness into their past that formed their moral lines although crooked, yet seemingly straight and narrow to them. The deceit is the part that I hurt over for I have always taught my daughter that it is not the one that outwardly shows their darkness through their words and actions but the ones to run from, the ones to avoid are those that do so in the name of Jesus. They are to be pitied, prayed for and aware of, yet avoided. In realizing that one of this nature is so closely related has somewhat broken my spirit. But I refuse to allow the enemy to take me down that path for then where will the prayer, strength and guidance come through if all in the picture has given up? So I ask God to pick me up, brush my hurt aside and armor me with His strength as He hears my constant prayers for this lost sheep.