Tuesday, May 24, 2011


There is good and evil, ways of behaving momentarily and ways or the practice of living life daily - what distinguishes those extremes - black/white, good/evil, right/wrong? Our hearts, physical attributes, for is it not simply a life sustaining mechanism within? and our souls which have been given us by Christ, is it the deciding factor on the two dilemmas, sides of the coin, light/dark? That is what I believe without a doubt however this is written to those with doubt claiming they do not believe in Christ, would they not gel the two sides - would not one be within the other with no distinction or recognition of the two actually being separate? The very fact that the world, the unbelievers, recognize good and evil presents indisputable evidence that God is real to them as is satan. To believe in one without the other holds no place for argument. So my thought is we as Christians need to be ever present and outwardly loving towards those on the outside for they do believe it's just fear of leaving their place in line, their slot they have worked so hard to fill, vanity of seeming weak that keeps them isolating themselves from us, laughing at our decision to follow God, yet the truth is strength, release from independence upon themselves. This self exalting independence is by definition, true weakness, sure death and life without vision of eternity.

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